Freunde des Mauerparks e.V.

New Year’s Eve celebration in Mauerpark

We ask you and your friends to be considerate towards residents as well as flora and fauna this New Year: please avoid fireworks and especially firecrackers in Mauerpark.


The friends of Mauerpark have finally found a home in Blumenwunder, the former premises of a small garden centre. It is an office, a common room, a meeting place, and in winter it also served as a soup kitchen as part of the Netzwerk der Wärme social project.  In...

17th Peaceful Walpurgis Night in Mauerpark

Peaceful Walpurgis Night is here again – for the 17th time. Come and dance in the May in Mauerpark, where the celebrations will be both peaceful and full of fun and include a campfire, fire artists, soap bubbles and music. Dancing in the May is the modern and peaceful...

Take part in the 17th Peaceful Walpurgis Night

The 17th Peaceful Walpurgis Night in Mauerpark on Sunday, April 30th, 2023 calls for an exuberant and peaceful dance into May, with campfire, fire artistry and music. Join us - get involved! We want to create this special night together! Preparatory meeting: April 24,...

Better together – Network of Warmth in Mauerpark

Even if spring is slowly arriving, the past few months have presented many Berliners with major challenges. The rising cost of living and energy has hit us all - some harder than others. For us as friends of Mauerpark e.V., the maxim "act together - create together"...

Celebrating New Year’s Eve in the Mauerpark

To everyone who intends to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Mauerpark, we have an important request: Please think about the animals who live here. For their sake, do not set off fireworks in the park.

New Year’s Eve celebration in Mauerpark

We ask you and your friends to be considerate towards residents as well as flora and fauna this New Year: please avoid fireworks and especially firecrackers in Mauerpark.


The friends of Mauerpark have finally found a home in Blumenwunder, the former premises of a small garden centre. It...

17th Peaceful Walpurgis Night in Mauerpark

Peaceful Walpurgis Night is here again – for the 17th time. Come and dance in the May in Mauerpark, where the...

Take part in the 17th Peaceful Walpurgis Night

The 17th Peaceful Walpurgis Night in Mauerpark on Sunday, April 30th, 2023 calls for an exuberant and peaceful dance...

Better together – Network of Warmth in Mauerpark

Even if spring is slowly arriving, the past few months have presented many Berliners with major challenges. The rising...

Celebrating New Year’s Eve in the Mauerpark

To everyone who intends to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Mauerpark, we have an important request: Please think about the animals who live here. For their sake, do not set off fireworks in the park.

Former death strip – border between east and west

Today meeting place for people from all over the world

Open air culture in the middle of Berlin

Green oasis in the big city


Today’s Mauerpark is on land that ran between the two parallel walls separating East and West Berlin. With its observation towers, attack dogs, trip wires and armed guards primed to shoot anyone trying to escape to the West, it was known as the “death strip.”

The park dates back to the early 1990s when local residents, noticing the rapid spread of self-seeded vegetation on the sandy strip of land, began planting trees and calling for the creation of a park. As a result, the city’s politicians included Mauerpark in the city’s bid to host the 2000 Olympics.

Although Berlin’s bid for the Olympics was not successful, the plea to build Mauerpark was. Designed by landscape architect Gustav Lange, the first section was completed in 1994.

Freunde des Mauerparks

Our organisation was set up by local residents in 1999. We have no allegiance to any political party and are financially independent. We are passionately committed to looking after the park.

To that end, we work with other interest groups, various governmental agencies, and the local community. We also listen to the concerns of the park’s users and visitors. We support cultural projects in the park and work to reconcile the broad range of activities that take place here.

We also tackle practical jobs, organizing events, cutting hedges, watering trees or cleaning up the park, for example. There is always something that needs doing, so we welcome newcomers to our association – either as active members or financial supporters.


Diversity & tolerance

This vast open space surrounded by dense development enhances the quality of life for local people and
is crucial for the city’s microclimate.

Mauerpark has become a well-loved place for people of all ages, from all walks of life and all nationalities to get together and enjoy themselves.

It acts as a home to musicians, per- formers and artists who are eager to experiment, giving them the opportu- nity to present their work beyond the constraints of the commercial scene.

Support us

Donations to the Friends of Mauerpark e.V. help us with our daily work for the park and are tax deductible.

Do you want to engage yourself?

Become a member now!

16th Peaceful Walpurgis Night in Mauerpark

16th Peaceful Walpurgis Night in Mauerpark

The slogan for the celebrations is quite simple: come and join in! Local people, visitors and creatives will get together to produce a very special evening that will include a campfire, music, fire juggling, soap bubbles and the opportunity to dance in the May. You...

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New Year’s Eve: Residence ban in the Mauerpark

New Year’s Eve: Residence ban in the Mauerpark

Dear friends of Mauerpark, What a challenging year 2020 was. Life in Mauerpark was pretty much dominated by the corona pandemic and things were generally quieter than usual. Really wild celebrations were not possible this year and that will certainly apply to New...

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World Cleanup Day in Mauerpark

World Cleanup Day in Mauerpark

World Cleanup Day is taking place for the 10th time this year. We are going to take this opportunity to do something good for the city. Littering is a huge problem in Berlin too and Mauerpark is no exception. In conjunction with the local organisers wirBerlin, we...

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A party for the entire Mauerpark family

A party for the entire Mauerpark family

Freunde des Mauerparks e.V. and Zug der Liebe e.V. would like to invite their supporters, Mauerpark neighbours, and Berliners and their guests to come and get to know the new Mauerpark. A total of 25 associations and initiatives will be there with information stands....

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