On September 15, 2010, the 32 nominated members met for the first working session of the citizens’ workshop for the completion of the Mauerpark in the old Olof-Palme-Zentrum, in order to actively participate in the planning and design of the new green space. In a workshop moderated by the team of moderators Martin Seebauer and Beate Voskamp, it became clear in a lively and creative atmosphere that there are many exciting and sometimes controversial ideas for the further development of the Mauerpark.
On November 2, 2010 the community workshop Mauerpark presented the interim results to the public. In addition to the presentation of the topics, goals, wishes and interests worked out so far, a broad public discussion took place
In this discussion it became clear again that the majority of the citizens’ workshop rejects the building plots previously provided for in the development plan 1-64 or is very critical of these building plots. This is mainly due to the fact that a development primarily aimed at maximizing profit would continue the gentrification on the Weddinger side that is already taking place in Prenzlauer Berg and destroy the leisure and usage structures that have grown in the Mauerpark. The members of the community workshop cannot support the massive buildings. The Bürgerwerkstatt wants a large, lively park that is incompatible with the extensive development planned in the drafts.
The Bürgerwerkstatt is now continuing to fight for the completion of an enlarged Mauerpark. It will now increasingly include alternative ways of completing the Mauerpark in its considerations, with the participation of other negotiating partners and without releasing the Senate from its co-responsibility. Green space planning based on Prof. Lange’s design is well advanced. The Bürgerwerkstatt will continue to work together with Grün-Berlin GmbH and Prof. Lange on creating an open space plan that is acceptable for residents on both sides of the Mauerpark. Such a blueprint for the completion of the Mauerpark can then be the basis for public discussion and political decisions.