To everyone who intends to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Mauerpark, we have an important request: Please think about the animals who live here. For their sake, do not set off fireworks in the park.

To everyone who intends to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Mauerpark, we have an important request: Please think about the animals who live here. For their sake, do not set off fireworks in the park.
The slogan for the celebrations is quite simple: come and join in! Local people, visitors and creatives will get together to produce a very special evening that will include a campfire, music, fire juggling, soap bubbles and the opportunity to dance in the May. You can let your imagination run free in Mauerpark. The following artists and projects support us: Jugendfarm Moritzhof, Peter-Pat Seifenblasen, Fr. Doktor...
Dear friends of Mauerpark, What a challenging year 2020 was. Life in Mauerpark was pretty much dominated by the corona pandemic and things were generally quieter than usual. Really wild celebrations were not possible this year and that will certainly apply to New Year’s Eve. In an attempt to contain the pandemic, the city authorities have designated numerous no-go zones for fireworks in Berlin. They include the...
On a sunny day Mauerpark is a magnet for crowds of people. Normally we are delighted to see them there. That’s the whole point of this special place. But sadly nothing is normal this year. In these times of Coronavirus we all have to put our own needs on hold and think primarily about everyone around us. So to make sure everyone can enjoy this glorious weather please remember a couple of important things: Keep 1.5...
Last year we had to unexpectedly cancel the Peaceful Walpurgis Night celebrations because a handful of "concerned" citizens protested against the music and dancing in Mauerpark. And now, a year down the road, a miniscule virus is turning the whole world upside down. At the moment, we have no way of knowing how the coronavirus crisis will develop. In consultation with Pankow borough council, we have decided that...
Last year, conflicts between local residents and park users were the subject of intensive discussions at the Mauerpark Round Table. A participation process was set up and the Save Mauerpark initiative put forward a range of ideas for workable regulations. As a result, Pankow borough council introduced new rules for the 2019 Mauerpark season and used multilingual brochures and park rangers to inform people about...
We have one request to everyone who is thinking of coming to the Mauerpark to see in the New Year: Please spare a thought for the wildlife in the park and celebrate without bangers and rockets. A lot of animals live in the Mauerpark and the noise, smoke and flashes of fireworks are terrifying for them. The park is one of the very few safe places for them to seek refuge in the city. Please don’t destroy that for...
Five photographers, five windows onto the former death strip 25 years after Mauerpark opened, a photo exhibition depicts the new life that has evolved on the site where the Berlin Wall once stood. Gone is the barbed wire and the threat of death; replaced by life and fun – karaoke, street food, artists, street musicians and a flea market. The common thread connecting the work is the individual way each photographer...
Berlin Street Music and Save Mauerpark are hosting the Fête de la Musique in Mauerpark on 21. June: 16:00 Legendary Strawberry Man 17:00 Stephen Paul Taylor 18:00 12Volt 19:00 Beranger The cultural iniatives actively promote music in Mauerpark. But reducing noise levels for local residents is also important to them, which is why they will be collecting donations for acoustic shells, which absorb sound. Further...
Six months after the Kulturgemeinschaft Mauerpark launched the Mauerpark Round Table, the borough’s mayor, Sören Benn (Die Linke party) has announced new park rules: In numerous arduous discussions at the meetings of the Round Table, residents, musicians, grass roots groups and civil servants had talked about how to reconcile culture in the park with the need of...