Dear friends of Mauerpark,
We are coming to the end of 2022. It was an exciting year for Mauerpark but one that nevertheless had its challenges. After a break of several years, we were able to hold our Peaceful Walpurgis Night celebrations once more, sing karaoke again and enjoy magical Mauerpark Sundays without having to wear a mask and practice social distancing. But people are not the only ones who love Mauerpark: it is also a valuable habitat for numerous species of flora and fauna.
So to everyone who intends to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Mauerpark, we have an important request:
Please think about the animals who live here. For their sake, do not set off fireworks in the park. The noise, smoke and flashes are terrifying for them. There are very few places they can take refuge during this noisy time. Please don’t make things worse for them.
And please also bear in mind that our fellow human beings are not appropriate targets for home-made rockets or bangers. Have fun but don’t get carried away and don’t overestimate your own skill! Each year, the emergency services in Berlin have to deal with many injuries on New Year’s Eve, some of them serious. Don’t become a statistic
Mutual respect in this unique urban space remains our guiding principle for 2023.
We wish you all the best for the New Year!