Mauerpark is an important cultural hotspot with a special symbolic value. It is important for Berlin’s borough of Pankow but at the same time it enjoys worldwide fame and popularity.
The site where the Berlin Wall used to be – where armed guards with orders to shoot once kept people apart – has evolved into a peaceful place of cultural diversity that is full of life.
On sunny days people from all different backgrounds meet here and create culture in a way that is unique to Mauerpark: in a spirit of tolerance, openness and respect for difference.
Mauerpark has become a living memorial that is unparalleled anywhere in the world, acknowledging the past without being stuck in it. Each person can experience the transformation that has taken place here and play a part in creating a peaceful future.
Freunde des Mauerparks e.V. and some of the parties in Pankow’s Borough Council are committed to preserving this special place.
The following motions are scheduled for debate:
- Preserve Mauerpark as a cultural hotspot
- Safeguard the future of karaoke in Mauerpark
- Reach agreement for street music in Mauerpark
- Legalise graffiti in Mauerpark
These motions will be discussed during the Council’s session on Wednesday, 27 March. Drop in and demonstrate just how important Mauerpark is.
Where: BVV-Saal, Haus 7, Fröbelstr. 17, 10405 Berlin
When: from about 6 pm